Saturday, October 30, 2010


1.) Buying Bare Minerals makeup will decrease the shininess of your skin

2.) My friend Tiffany was the audience of my argument. She was looking for a new makeup product while we were shopping and I wanted to convince her that bare minerals would be the best option for her skin type, and would fit what she was looking for. She has relatively shiny skin and wears too much make-up to cover it up, so she was looking for a product that would make her look more natural.

3.) The first goal of my argument was to explain how the product works, and how it would be the best fit for her skin type. My second goal was to actually get her to buy Bare Minerals.

4.) Logos: The first approach that I took on the argument was to explain the science of the make-up. Bare Minerals uses only natural ingredients that are not oil based and are non comedogenic.  This would be perfect for her skin because she needs foundation that is not oily and does not clog her pores. The science behind how the product is made is logical evidence that supports the product.

Pathos: The second stance that I took on the argument is to tell her the celebrities that use bare minerals, and how they have perfect skin from using the product. Particularly one of her favorite actresses, Natalie Portman, uses bare minerals. This was a strong part of my argument because she thinks Natalie Portman is beautiful and admires her flawless skin. This gives the product more credibility in Tiffany's eyes because one of her favorite actresses uses the product.

Sufficient: I think that I provided enough evidence and explanation for why my friend should buy Bare Minerals. Given the circumstance, where we were shopping at the mall, If I had pressed the matter any further it would have ruined my argument and made my conversation with her seem unnatural, since we were on a normal shopping trip.

Relevant: The information and reasoning that I provided to Tiffany to convince her to buy Bare Minerals directly related to what she was looking for in a make-up product. I gave her logical reasons for how the product would decrease the shine on her face, and make her skin look flawless and more natural like one of her favorite actresses. I didn't bring up any reasons to support my claim that she wouldn't care about.

5.) I was very persuasive in convincing my friend to buy the make-up because she not only agreed and liked the reasons that I presented her with, but also bought the product and uses it daily.

word count: 439

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