Saturday, October 16, 2010

Paper 2 Resource

"Weight Loss and Quality of Life Among Obese People" 

(The abstract for this article is available at the website posted at the bottom of the blog)

1.) Loosing weight will increase your quality of life

2.) The audience for this article are those who suffer from obesity and are interested in the effects that loosing weight will have on their life.

3.) The goal of this article is to inform the audience about the effects that obesity has on your health and social relationships. After the author presents information on loosing weight and the effects it has on their health she tries to convince her readers that loosing weight would increase your health and positive social relationships.

4.) Logos: This article uses scientific evidence and results from scientific studies to support its claim. The style of writing in this article also appeals to the logos side of rhetoric because of the organization of the paper and then tone of the author.

Pathos: Pathos is used in this article because of the credibility that scientific studies attribute to the author's claim. Since the information that in the article is backed up by research the author has a more credible argument.

Sufficient: This article consists of 25 pages filled with credible information and research. The author has provided more than enough evidence to support her claim and inform her audience of weight loss and its effect on obesity. I almost think that she has provided too much information, and that the average reader might be hesitant to read the article because of its long length.

Relevant: This article touches on a problem that many people face today and will continue to present a problem until a sure solution has been found. I know that this article has helped me to understand the effects weight loss has on health and social benefits, and it directly applies to the persuasive paper I am writing about how banning trans fat helps the public to loose weight and increase their social relationships.

5.) This article is successful in reaching its goal of informing the public of weight loss and increased health and social status and convincing obese individuals to change their lifestyle. The article could use more ethos to really catch the attention of the audience, but since the article takes a more scientific stance bringing emotions into the argument could be difficult.

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