Saturday, October 23, 2010

Music Video: Only Girl in the World

Song: Only Girl in the World
Artist: Rihanna

1.) Treating the one you love with more compassion and devotion will make them feel special and as if they are the only person in the world for you.

2.) The audience of this music video are people who listen to Rihanna's music, especially adolescents.

3.) There are two goals of this music video. The first is to promote Rihanna as an artist, and get people to fall in love with and buy her music. The second is to visually portray how Rihanna interprets her lyrics and communicate that with her listeners.

4.) Pathos: Pathos is definitely present in all music video's because there is always someone with influence and credibility in music videos. In this case Rihanna plays on her influence over her audience by looking feminine and strong in her music video. The way she portrays herself in thi video proves her creativity and credibility as an artist.

Ethos: This emotion caught my heart at the beginning of the music video because of the location of her set and her apparel.She is in a vast open area all by herself, singing at the top of her lungs. This portrays her true emotions coming from this song that she wants to be treated like she was the only person that matters since she is all alone in the middle of nowhere. Her outfits were very stunning and beautiful. This portrays the desire she has to feel beautiful. When the person she loves makes her feel loved then she would just as vibrant on the inside as her clothing.

Sufficient: There were plenty of scene and outfit changes in this music video that matched perfectly with the lyrics. Even though Rihanna was the only person in this music video, it was perfect because of the song's meaning that she wanted to feel like the ony girl in the world.

Relevant: This music video is relevant with what today's audience is dealing with and wants to hear. There are plenty of girls who can relate to Rihanna's song because they want to be further loved bt their companion. Since they are dealing wtih the smae issue that Rihanna is singing about then they are more prone to listen.

5.) This music video is very successful in portraying the lyrics and Rihanna as an artist. She mainly uses creativity and pulls at emotions to win the audience over. You can see how happy Rihanna is after her man decides to treat her with more love and respect towards the end of the video.

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