Saturday, October 30, 2010


1.) Buying Bare Minerals makeup will decrease the shininess of your skin

2.) My friend Tiffany was the audience of my argument. She was looking for a new makeup product while we were shopping and I wanted to convince her that bare minerals would be the best option for her skin type, and would fit what she was looking for. She has relatively shiny skin and wears too much make-up to cover it up, so she was looking for a product that would make her look more natural.

3.) The first goal of my argument was to explain how the product works, and how it would be the best fit for her skin type. My second goal was to actually get her to buy Bare Minerals.

4.) Logos: The first approach that I took on the argument was to explain the science of the make-up. Bare Minerals uses only natural ingredients that are not oil based and are non comedogenic.  This would be perfect for her skin because she needs foundation that is not oily and does not clog her pores. The science behind how the product is made is logical evidence that supports the product.

Pathos: The second stance that I took on the argument is to tell her the celebrities that use bare minerals, and how they have perfect skin from using the product. Particularly one of her favorite actresses, Natalie Portman, uses bare minerals. This was a strong part of my argument because she thinks Natalie Portman is beautiful and admires her flawless skin. This gives the product more credibility in Tiffany's eyes because one of her favorite actresses uses the product.

Sufficient: I think that I provided enough evidence and explanation for why my friend should buy Bare Minerals. Given the circumstance, where we were shopping at the mall, If I had pressed the matter any further it would have ruined my argument and made my conversation with her seem unnatural, since we were on a normal shopping trip.

Relevant: The information and reasoning that I provided to Tiffany to convince her to buy Bare Minerals directly related to what she was looking for in a make-up product. I gave her logical reasons for how the product would decrease the shine on her face, and make her skin look flawless and more natural like one of her favorite actresses. I didn't bring up any reasons to support my claim that she wouldn't care about.

5.) I was very persuasive in convincing my friend to buy the make-up because she not only agreed and liked the reasons that I presented her with, but also bought the product and uses it daily.

word count: 439

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Music Video: Only Girl in the World

Song: Only Girl in the World
Artist: Rihanna

1.) Treating the one you love with more compassion and devotion will make them feel special and as if they are the only person in the world for you.

2.) The audience of this music video are people who listen to Rihanna's music, especially adolescents.

3.) There are two goals of this music video. The first is to promote Rihanna as an artist, and get people to fall in love with and buy her music. The second is to visually portray how Rihanna interprets her lyrics and communicate that with her listeners.

4.) Pathos: Pathos is definitely present in all music video's because there is always someone with influence and credibility in music videos. In this case Rihanna plays on her influence over her audience by looking feminine and strong in her music video. The way she portrays herself in thi video proves her creativity and credibility as an artist.

Ethos: This emotion caught my heart at the beginning of the music video because of the location of her set and her apparel.She is in a vast open area all by herself, singing at the top of her lungs. This portrays her true emotions coming from this song that she wants to be treated like she was the only person that matters since she is all alone in the middle of nowhere. Her outfits were very stunning and beautiful. This portrays the desire she has to feel beautiful. When the person she loves makes her feel loved then she would just as vibrant on the inside as her clothing.

Sufficient: There were plenty of scene and outfit changes in this music video that matched perfectly with the lyrics. Even though Rihanna was the only person in this music video, it was perfect because of the song's meaning that she wanted to feel like the ony girl in the world.

Relevant: This music video is relevant with what today's audience is dealing with and wants to hear. There are plenty of girls who can relate to Rihanna's song because they want to be further loved bt their companion. Since they are dealing wtih the smae issue that Rihanna is singing about then they are more prone to listen.

5.) This music video is very successful in portraying the lyrics and Rihanna as an artist. She mainly uses creativity and pulls at emotions to win the audience over. You can see how happy Rihanna is after her man decides to treat her with more love and respect towards the end of the video.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Paper 2 Resource

"Weight Loss and Quality of Life Among Obese People" 

(The abstract for this article is available at the website posted at the bottom of the blog)

1.) Loosing weight will increase your quality of life

2.) The audience for this article are those who suffer from obesity and are interested in the effects that loosing weight will have on their life.

3.) The goal of this article is to inform the audience about the effects that obesity has on your health and social relationships. After the author presents information on loosing weight and the effects it has on their health she tries to convince her readers that loosing weight would increase your health and positive social relationships.

4.) Logos: This article uses scientific evidence and results from scientific studies to support its claim. The style of writing in this article also appeals to the logos side of rhetoric because of the organization of the paper and then tone of the author.

Pathos: Pathos is used in this article because of the credibility that scientific studies attribute to the author's claim. Since the information that in the article is backed up by research the author has a more credible argument.

Sufficient: This article consists of 25 pages filled with credible information and research. The author has provided more than enough evidence to support her claim and inform her audience of weight loss and its effect on obesity. I almost think that she has provided too much information, and that the average reader might be hesitant to read the article because of its long length.

Relevant: This article touches on a problem that many people face today and will continue to present a problem until a sure solution has been found. I know that this article has helped me to understand the effects weight loss has on health and social benefits, and it directly applies to the persuasive paper I am writing about how banning trans fat helps the public to loose weight and increase their social relationships.

5.) This article is successful in reaching its goal of informing the public of weight loss and increased health and social status and convincing obese individuals to change their lifestyle. The article could use more ethos to really catch the attention of the audience, but since the article takes a more scientific stance bringing emotions into the argument could be difficult.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Film Trailer

Eclipse Film Trailer

1.) Watching the movie eclipse will increase your level of entertainment for the day.

2.) The audience of this film trailer are the Twilight series fans, those who have read all of the books which this movie is based upon.

3.) The goal of this article is to catch the attention of its audience, pump them up about the movie Eclipse, and ultimately get them to go to the theaters and watch the movie.

Ethos: Since this is a movie actors are of course going to be a source of credibility for the film trailer. The choice of actors can have a big impact on whether or not a film is successful and the directors of Eclipse took this into consideration when choosing their  cast. The potential audience of this movie would expect Robert Pattinson and Taylor Laughtner to be in the film because they were in the past two. The Trailer also shows all the main characters, which to the film's advantage are all the same cast. When a series keeps the same cast it builds credibility for the movie.

Pathos: This film trailer overall is very dramatic and plays on the emotions of the audience as one of its main tactics. The opening scene begins with one of the main controversies in the book, the relationship between Bella and Edward and the relationship between Bella and Jake. Opening the trailer with a scene where all three are present and fighting about the issue plays at the emotions of all the readers who love the Twilight Books and Movies for its twisted romance. The music of the movie also has an emotional effect on the viewer. The background music is very action oriented, with a tone of danger. It starts off at a medium tone and then builds until the very end scene of the trailer.

Sufficient: This film trailer is mostly sufficient to those who have a background knowledge of the Twilight books and movies. It provides the perfect amount of footage and scenes to catch the attention of Twilight fans and hook them into seeing the movie. If more information was provided then it could have given away too many scenes of the movie. The trailer may not seem sufficient enough for those who have no previous knowledge of the Twilight series. If the specific audience were those completely new to the Twilight books then more information about the past movies might need to be provided.

Relevant: The Eclipse trailer is relevant because it is advertising a movie that most Twilight fans are dying to see. If the trailer was advertising for a film that no one really cared about then more information and a different approach would need to be made in order to convince people to see the movie.

5.) I think this film trailer is successful in accomplishing its goal because it plays on the emotions of the viewer, catching their attention and leaving them wanting more, and because it uses the same cast and appeals to the trailer's specific audience. It is the perfect film trailer for a continuing series.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Paper Resource

Injections of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) have been claimed to aid
weight reduction by reducing hunger, and affecting mood as well as aiding
randomized trial using
between the
hunger, mood or localized body measurements.
localized (spot) reduction. We have tested these claims in a double-blindinjections of HCG or placebo. Weight loss was identicaltwo groups, and there was no evidence for differential effects onPlacebo injections, therefore,appear to be as effective as HCG in the treatment of obesity.

1. The HCG diet decreases the chances of curing obesity and has a negative effect on one's health.

2. The audience of this article are individuals who are overweight and are researching the HCG diet as a possible way to loose weight.

3. The goal of this article is to prove that the HCG diet is ineffective in curing obesity and keeping the weight off. The article agrees that initially the HCG increases weight loss, but almost every patient relapses and regains the the weight they lost back.

Ethos: This article proves credible because it uses scientific research and the testimonies of doctors to prove its claim. When an authoritative figure is used to support a claim, such as a doctor, the readers of the article are more likely to believe the evidence presented. 

Logos: Most of the article is built upon a scientific study, which appeals to the logical side of an argument. It is hard to argue with a claim when sound evidence and statistical data is used.

Sufficient: This article is sufficient in two ways. The first being that it provides enough information to efficiently support its claim that the HCG diet does not work. It is also sufficient in the fact that it provides the research data in the form of a graph and written out. This is very helpful to the reader because it give them the opportunity to visualize the evidence as well as read it.

Relevant: This article is relevant because it directly informs the reader of its purpose and provides applicable information to back up their claim. This article is also relevant because it is a scholarly study that can be trusted.

5. This article is effective in persuading its audience that the HCG diet does not permanently cure obesity and keep weight off because it provides information and testimonies that cannot be argued with. It is also effective because it provides the perfect amount and right type of credible information.