Saturday, December 4, 2010

Source for Paper C

Correlates of nonmedical use of prescription benzodiazepine anxiolytics: results from a national survey of U.S. college students

 1.) The non medical use of the stimulant adderall has increased among white college students attending a four year university.

2.) The audience is those who are interested in the illegal distribution of adderall, and the most recent statistics about the nonmedial use of adderall.

3.) The goal of this article is to inform the public about the illegal use of prescription adderall and the increased consumption of the drug for nonmedical use, especially to help college students study. The article also discusses the negative effects that adderall has on individuals who do not have ADD and how it is an unfair advantage for students who study without the stimulant.

4.) Logos: This article is a scientific study based on randomly selected college students who reported their use of the drug adderall. This study also testing the negative side effects of the drug. All of the evidence proved statistically significant. Any study with hard facts and sound evidence appeals to the logical mind because it cannot be argued against.

Ethos: Throughout the article doctors give their testimony about their findings. When an article is supported by someone with  PhD it adds to the credibility to the information provided, and more people are likely to trust the article's conclusion.

Sufficient: This article provides enough information and evidence to make a valid point and have its readers believe in the results. The article provides information of the different kinds of statistical and scientific studies conducted, but did not get into extreme detail of all the different mechanisms of the study. This is just the right amount of information for the reader because they are able to have a more solid understanding of where the evidence came from but are not lost in incomprehensible scientific terms.

Relevant: This article has importance to this generation because as years pass more and more students are abusing prescription adderall. It is important for the public as well as the Food and Drug Administration to know about the negative side effects and unfair advantages adderall has on the student population. It is also important for the public to know how much this drug is being used illegally, and this article gives statistics of the high numbers of non medical adderall abusers.

5.) This article and pertaining studies does a solid job of informing the public of the abuse of nonprescription adderall and its negative side effects and unfair advantages. Anyone reading this article would be convinced that adderall truly is being abused and that it is highly dangerous.


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